Requirements for a Wedding Mass:

Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum


This is offered to someone who is ill and in need of prayer for the healing of the body and soul.  Often times when someone is in the hospital recovering from an illness or surgery this is when they most need the prayers of the community.  Anointing goes back to the time of the Apostles when the elders of the church would anoint the sick and pray for them  

Hospital visits and Anointing should be scheduled during normal business hours 7 days a week. 


This is the preparation for the journey to Heaven.  This is done when someone is in grave danger of pending death.  It is the opportunity to partake of the body of Christ and commend the spirit to our Heavenly Father.   When the person is unable to partake of the Eucharist, consecrated wine is also permissible. 




In case of an emergency, in which your loved ones are in grave danger, you should contact out 24hrs phone number.



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